Mama Hennbird Overdrive
New Art Galleries
Images from my university art shows. I may add more text descriptions, but for now I'm happy just having them on display.
◄ Alter Ego||Altar Space ►
master of fine arts thesis
◄ Aves Aetherius ►
bfa jewelry
Find your shit and get it together!
Gonna be hitting F5 a lot and spamming your feed. Sorry!
Doing a major update, adding actual art galleries to my art website.
Gonna be tidying up incomplete pages and crappy CSS.
Thank you, new followers! Means a lot to have your eyeballs.
Just in time for the holidays. :)
Inspired by Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf.

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Are Friends Electric?
I made my friend a webpage for his 32nd birthday. I wanted to have a place to keep these images, memories, and thoughts.
Happy birthday, comrade.
I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again
This summer did not go as planned. I will eventually journal about what happened last month somewhere on the birds page. At least things are a little better now and I am slowly getting back into a 'working' mode.
I began volunteering at Wasted Ink Zine Distro in Phoenix. I am enjoying my time there doing a little work and soaking up all the radical creativity. Definitely check them out. If you can't stop by locally, you can browse their online store. I've got some zines for sale there in-person (but the web links are forthcoming).
I actually did some work on this website while I was 'zinesitting.' Today I put together my life drawing portfolio for a potential teaching gig next semester. Only took me a couple of hours to code and troubleshoot its desktop vs mobile appearance. I think I'm getting better at this DIV business. It was also a good excuse to put actual art on my art website.
Settling In
It's been a long couple of months. We had to move house under very stressful circumstances, and finally things are calm enough that I am comfortable resuming regular updates. Without going into any of the unfortunate details, here's what's new:
Be patient with me. *sob*
I have updated the About page!
I'm Back!
I took a couple months off to rest and adapt to my new teaching schedule. That's my excuse for being inactive, anyway! I'm gonna get back into the habit by cleaning up some of this code... x_x I redesigned the update journal so it's more organized.
You Wouldn't Download A ZINE
~The Zine Library is now open~
Printing services will be listed soon!
Aviary Update
Queer Krampus Holiday Art Sale

My friends and I are doing a holiday art sale!
Come see us if you're in Phoenix!
( Click the image for more info -----> )
The Tarot page is now live, complete with PayPal link for easy checkout. ;)